Research Student Supervision and Training

I have trained 39 research students (32 PhD and 7 MSc). All graduated successfully and on schedule.

PhD graduates from my research team and title of project

  1. Dr Nigel I. Hooper, PhD, Methylglyoxal, glyoxalases and the control of cell growth.
  2. Dr Antony C. McLellan, PhD, The modification of the glyoxalase system in clinical diabetes mellitus.
  3. Dr Susan Phillips, PhD, The modification of the glyoxalase system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
  4. Dr James D. Clelland, PhD, The inhibition of leukaemia cell growth by S-2-hydroxyacylglutathione derivatives.
  5. Dr Theodore W.C. Lo, PhD, The inhibition of leukaemia cell growth by glyoxalase inhibitors.
  6. Dr Harjit S. Minhas, PhD, The prevention of chemically-induced toxicity by esters of reduced glutathione
  7. Dr Marie E. Westwood, PhD, Receptor-mediated endocytosis of serum albumins modified by methylglyoxal and advanced glycation endproducts. 
  8. Dr Linda G. Edwards, PhD, The mechanism of the anti-leukaemia activity of S-D-lactoylglutathione.
  9. Dr Evelyn Abordo, PhD, Advanced glycation of proteins: molecular characteristics and cellular responses.
  10. Dr Ke Xu, PhD, Studies on the mechanism of the anti-tumour activity of dietary isothiocyanates.
  11. Dr Naila Ahmed, PhD, Study on the chromatographic analysis of glycation adducts.
  12. Dr Roya Babaei-Jadidi, PhD, Studies of the prevention of diabetic nephropathy by thiamine.
  13. Dr Stamatina Agalou, PhD, Studies on the formation, metabolism and glycation reactions of endogenous and exogenous α-oxoaldehydes in uraemia.
  14. Dr Precious Imbasi, PhD, Mechanisms of cancer prevention by dietary isothiocyanates.
  15. Dr Darin Dobler, PhD, Glycation of collagen in health and disease – structural and functional studies.
  16. Dr Nikolaos Karachalias, PhD, Studies of the prevention of diabetic nephropathy by thiamine.
  17. Dr Sarah Carpenter, PhD, Methylglyoxal as a downstream mediator of antitumour drug cytotoxicity and link to glyoxalase I – associated multidrug resistance.
  18. Dr Sahar Waris. PhD, Preparation and measurement of dicarbonyl glycation adducts of deoxyguanosine in diabetes and multidrug resistance associated with glyoxalase 1.
  19. Dr James Larkin, PhD, Mechanism of increased renal clearance of thiamine in hyperglycaemia associated with diabetes.
  20. Dr Andrea Lopez-Clavijo, PhD, Application of FT-ICR mass spectrometry for analysis of dicarbonyl glycation of proteins.
  21. Dr Fang Zhang, PhD, Mechanism of increased renal clearance of thiamine in hyperglycaemia associated with diabetes.
  22. Dr Usman Ahmed, PhD, Protein damage markers in diagnosis, progression and treatment of arthritis.
  23. Dr Zehra Irshad, PhD, Dicarbonyl glycation and protein damage in vascular endothelial cells in hyperglycaemia associated with diabetes.
  24. Dr Amy Tym, PhD, Effect of protein glycation by methylglyoxal on pancreatic beta cell function.
  25. Dr Florence Hariton, PhD, Anti-stress gene response in cell and tissue ageing: role of transcription factor NF-E2-related factor-2 and effect of dietary activators.
  26. Dr Alaa Shafie, PhD, Characterisation of glyoxalase 1 mutant mouse and glyoxalase 1 copy number alteration.
  27. Dr Amal Ashour, PhD, Dicarbonyl stress and dysfunction of the glyoxalase system in periodontal diseases.
  28. Dr Muhanad Alhujaily, PhD, Proteomics of the cytotoxicity of methylglyoxal and link to glyoxalase 1-linked multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy.
  29. Dr Hafsa Abbas, PhD, Glyoxalase 1 and multidrug resistance in cancer chemotherapy.
  30. Dr Daniah Alamoudi, PhD, Plasma protein glycation, oxidation and nitration markers for improved risk prediction of Type 1 diabetes mellitus.
  31. Dr Ohoud Al-Ghamdi, PhD, Glyoxalase 1 inducer therapy for the treatment of experimental diabetic kidney disease.
  32. Dr Maryam Al-Motawa, Transcriptomic and proteomic changes in human mesangial and proximal tubule epithelial cells in model hyperglycemia – effect of glyoxalase 1 inducer.

MSc graduates from my research team and title of project

  1. Mr Nigel Barnes, MSc, Total parenteral nutrition.
  2. Mr Colin McAllister, MSc, Preparation of glyoxalase I inhibitors.
  3. Mr Moazam Zaman, MSc, The glyoxalase system in human tumour cells in vitro.
  4. Mr Adetola Adesida, MSc, Synthesis and evaluation of S-(N-aralkylthiocarbamoyl) cysteine, N-R-2-hydroxyacylcysteine and ester derivatives as antileukemic agents.
  5. Miss Rita Ng, MSc, Glucose metabolism in hyperglycaemia. Diabetic complications, methylglyoxal and intervention with pharmacological agents
  6. Mr Solomon Ndoni, MSc, Thiamine metabolism associated with biochemical dysfunction in diabetes mellitus and triosephosphate isomerase deficiency.
  7. Mr Thomas Fleming, MSc, Preparation and measurement of dicarbonyl glycation adducts of deoxyguanosine.

External examination

  • External examination of the BSc Biochemistry and Physiology, Department of Biochemistry and Physiological Sciences, University of Malta, Malta, 2000 – 2001.
  • External examiner of PhD students in the United Kingdom, Europe, India and Australia.